Our Stories Matter: Olivia

Olivia* is a single mother with two young children, and one of her children has special needs. 

But through a series of difficult events, Olivia became homeless.

She searched for help and found Giving Grace, who was able to help her obtain emergency shelter in a hotel. Through communication with her employer, she was also thankfully allowed to have her job placed on hold until she could get into stable housing.

Single parenting is very challenging and Olivia hoped to relocate to Dallas where she would have a greater support system. Giving Grace helped her obtain a Dallas County Section 8 voucher.

Recently, she was able to move from her emergency housing into her own apartment in Dallas. The Giving Grace team helped her with move-in supplies such as bedding, towels, dishes, and cleaning supplies so her family could settle in.

Olivia is now ready to resume her work-from-home job in order to support her family and maintain stable housing. Giving Grace provided her with the necessary relational support to give her confidence to push through adversity, and then provided the resources she needed to create a stable living environment for her and her children.

Olivia knows she is now part of the Giving Grace family and understands that support is just a phone call away. 

Because Giving Grace is on a mission to break the cycle of homelessness and housing instability, one life at a time.

*Name changed for privacy  


Our Stories Matter: Tierah


Brittany's Story